Delicious Hamburg Steaks with Stewed Shiitake Mushrooms

Mixing in some chopped, simmered Shiitake will take your classic Hamburg steak to a whole new flavor! Guanylate of dried Shiitake boosts the Umami taste of meat. It is a great flavor when you finely chop the simmered Shiitake and mix them well with the ground meat!

Ingredients (4 servings)

  • 4 mushrooms (80g) Simmered Shiitake
  • 400g Ground beef and pork blend
  • 1 half Onion
  • 1 Egg
  • As needed Vegetable oil
  • 1 cup Breadcrumbs
  • A dash Salt and pepper
  • 2 Tbsp Milk
  • 100ml Ketchup
  • 50ml Worcestershire sauce


Finely chop the stewed shiitake mushrooms and the onion.
Saute the onion well, and set aside to cool.
While the ground beef and pork blend is still cold, add the salt and pepper, and rub in well, until the mixture becomes thick and sticky with a whitish color.
Next, add the shiitake mushrooms, egg, onion, breadcrumbs, and milk, and mix well. Shape the mixture into oval-shaped patties, taking care to ensure that no air is trapped inside.
Heat a frying pan on high heat, and add vegetable oil. Fry the Hamburg steaks on medium heat. Once their color has changed, flip them. Cover and cook on low heat.
Once the Hamburg steaks are cooked, leave the juices in the pan, add the ketchup and Worcestershire sauce, and allow them to simmer for one minute on low heat.
Serve the Hamburg steaks on plates, and drizzle with the sauce made in the previous step.


Dried Shiitake mushrooms should be rehydrated in cold water to make them sweeter and tastier without any messy taste.

How to Rehydrate Dried Shiitake Mushrooms for Maximum Flavor

Quick and easy rehydration for dried Shiitake

Why does dried Shiitake make food taste better?


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