Eggplant and tomato stew with Shiitake powder

Shiitake mushrooms, eggplants, and tomatoes go together very well! Using the grated dried Shiitake featured on Japanese National Television Agency "NHK Gatten!" easily gives this dish a natural, rich umami taste. Tips and tricks: *Adding a little water to Shiitake powder and waiting 10 minutes before using, maximizes 3x the Umami Flavor! One dry tbsp equals one pre-soaked tsp, the same Umami boosting power. The drying and rehydrating process of Shiitake produces "Guanylate," a natural Umami energizer. Guanylate amplifies the Umami taste of all foods. Zen monks found Forest-grown Shiitake is the best Umami enhancer for Vegan Cuisine more than 1000-years ago in Japan. The drying and rehydrating process of Shiitake produces "Guanylate," a natural Umami energizer. Guanylate amplifies the Umami taste of all foods. Unlike Dried Porcini, Shiitake can enhance the Umami taste of your cooking without adding a mushroom flavor.

Forest-grown Japanese Shiitake Powder 40g, Natural Umami Booster

Ingredients (2 people) (30-40 min.)

  • 4 slices bacon
  • 3 eggplants
  • 1 can (400 g) diced tomatoes
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 4 Tbsp olive oil
  • 10 g butter
  • A pinch of salt and pepper
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp miso-A
  • A pinch of dried oregano-A
  • A pinch of dried basil-A
  • 1 bouillon cube-A
  • 1 Tbsp Shiitake powder-A


Cut the bacon into 1cm-wide pieces. Cut the eggplants into bite-size pieces, then sprinkle it with salt (not included in the ingredient list), and set aside. Finely mince the garlic.
Heat the olive oil in a frying pan, and saute the garlic on low heat until fragrant.
Add bacon and eggplant, then add canned tomatoes and seasoning A. Simmer for 15 to 20 minutes.
Adjust the flavor with the butter, salt, pepper, and sugar, and it is ready.
You can eat it as a side dish just as it is. It is also convenient when prepared in advance, and it can be used as a sauce for pasta or meat as well.♪


Adding a little shiitake powder to your meals boosts the natural umami flavor. At the same time, the saltiness will rise and enable you to automatically lower your salt intake.

Our Shiitake Powder Amps Up the Natural Taste of Food - without adding another layer of taste.
Forest-grown Shiitake Powder

Shiitake powder boosts each meat, fish, and vegetable's umami taste.

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